The Tony Blair conference on a reform of the Palestinian Authority in London raises the question: "Can a reform of the Palestinian Authority resolve the Middle East Conflict?" To answer this question one needs to consider ...
... the current preoccupation by European and American experts and politicians with the issue of Church and State in Islam ... . But what is Church and State in Islam?
The involvement of Muslims in the events of 9/11 has brought Islam into the limelight of the World Media. There are even talks of a Clash of Civilizations ... But what are Judaism, Christianity and Islam?
An overview of the evolution of administration of justice from tribal chiefs to independent courts, to the modern politicized justice, and to the formalized abstract justice of the World Court of Justice.
As the full-scale invasion of Iraq by the American forces is approaching, and the opposition to that war in Europe and the United States is growing, politicians, headed by Tony Blair, seek to justify this war ...
With the emergence of multi-national entities, like the European Union, and the American War on Terror some people bemoan the loss of sovereignty by nation states ...
With the opposition to the American war against Iraq growing in Britain and the US, will it change into patriotism, once the war begins? And ... what is patriotism, anyway?
'Should We Support Our Boys?', ask not only American and British opponents of the war, but also Iraqi opponents of Saddam Hussain ... What is the answer?
Tony Blair is promoting the idea that the principle of non-intervention yields to the international responsibility to protect ... What are the implications?
The National Security Strategy of the United States of America report dated 17th September 2002 is a document that will have a profound influence on the life of Mankind in the coming years and decades. They can either usher in a new era of freedom, peace and security, or plunge Mankind into decades of destruction and bloodshed. The purpose of these comments is to help the American Government to develop the necessary objectivity and global world vision required for the success of their endeavour.
Osama bin Laden's Message to the American People is one of the most important documents that will affect the life of Mankind in the coming months, years and decades ...
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