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Gaza Responsibility
Publication date: 2021-05-15

Who Is Responsible for the Middle East Violence?

In 1922 Britain was given by the League of Nations (now the United Nations) a mandate to create a state in Palestine for Jews who at the time lived in Europe and other parts of the world. As Britain had failed to do that in the 26 years of its Mandate, the Jews of Palestine and large numbers of Jews arriving from Europe after WW2 started taking over Palestine by military means, and in 1948 the State of Israel was formally established and recognised by the United Nations.

As a result of this some 700,000 Arabs were driven out of their houses to make way for Israeli settlements. And the United Nations passed Resolution 194 (1948–12–11), Article 11 of which reads as follows:

“that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible”.

This UN Resolution does not state who “the Governments or authorities responsible” for the implementation of this resolution are, and the resolution has not been implemented up to now.

Being unable to return to their houses by peaceful means, the Palestinians began an armed struggle for the return to their land, while Jews have been defending their state from the Palestinians.

These hostilities became known as the “Middle East Conflict”, and now the UN, and the governments who established it and constitute its membership, call upon Israel and the Palestinians to end this conflict. But is it Israel and the Palestinians who are responsible for it?

So who are “the Governments or authorities responsible” for this “confict”?

The Jews were promised a state in Palestine, but when they came to it, they discovered that it was populated by non-Jews, so they had to take the land for the state by force of arms.

The Palestinians were driven from their places of residence, and, while the UN passed resolution that they should be permitted to return or compensated for loss and damage, this resolution has not been implemented up to now.

So, it is clear that the responsibility for the “conflict” lies with the United Nations and the governments who created, recognized and supported a state for one people on a land inhabited by other people, and by doing so created this over 70 years old conflict.

The Palestinians have no choice but to fight for their rights, and the Israelis have no choice but to defend themselves. Both are victims of the way the UN and its member states have created the State of Israel, and neither Israel nor the Palestinians have the ability and resources to end the conflict.

The full responsibility is with the UN and the United States of America and the main European States who undertook this state creation project.

The continuation of this UN-created conflict has adverse effects not only on Israel and the Palestinians, but failure to end it has practically destroyed the Authority of the UN, and has corrupted the whole International Order and the governance within the states which established the UN.

The links below have more information on this conflict:

  1. The Way to Middle East Peace Now
  2. Ending Israel-Palestine Conflict
  3. Solving Israel Palestinian Conflict in 2009
  4. The Middle East Settlement 2005
  5. The Legal Status of the Displaced Palestinians
  6. Who is to Blame for the Gaza Violence?

If you have any questions on how to end the Middle East Conflict, send us an e-mail to and we shall answer your questions.

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