We have received a communication from a site visitor as follows:
Question. If the world is a stage for the elevation of the Soul and we are supposed to believe it either ok, because the Creator wants this, or that it is really all fake, is there any real Altruism?
Is there really only One person we target in a given area to test them and their ability to act like a compassionate Human?
Maybe you've seen these things. If not then you may have some new cases to be involved with. Or are you also fake in your desire to actually fix things. Sorry about my doubt but watch and read below and you will wonder what the government is really doing.
Your voice is needed to stop this. … or maybe me just saying this to you stopped it. Do you think?
If you are not aware of the actions of certain governments and leaders, please see what is being staged. Are we to allow this and not stop it BEFORE it begins since we have enough evidence to stop it and have the public aware.
Actors faking news
Ebola is a hoax
The first thing to note, as pointed out by alert readers, is that there is a military contractor called ISIS that offers services in such areas as “role playing”, “exercise and evaluations”, “human intelligence”, “special operations” and “unmanned aircraft systems” among other things.
Most of their offices are either in the Middle East or the United States and it is a pretty good guess they got the contract to carry out operation ISIS in the Middle East.
When you see news article full of demands by ISIS to “hand over your daughters for sex”, or crucifixions of Christians and threats that the “black flag of Jihad will fly over London” it is a pretty good guess you are dealing with a major psy‐ops or role playing game.
Canada Hoax
I understand the elevation of a Soul is an internal struggle but where are we to see that it is staged and real. Are we to believe it always no one gets hurt and yet we are to be led otherwise. The reason I found this was because of the show ‘What would you do?’ is using staged scenes to check altruism. If the whole of society is a test and your unreactiveness to this is an indication, then you will never see another Enlightened person react altruistically because he will be lead to believe it is a test or in this case a hoax.
Address this please to the media. Please follow the links and watch the evidence of faked killings and government rules setting in. Is it all staged? Can you be sure? And should a voice such as yours be speaking about an investigation?
Our answer is as follows:
No. | Site Visitor | Our Response |
1 | Question. If the world is a stage for the elevation of the Soul and we are supposed to believe it [is] either ok, because the Creator wants this, or that it is really all fake, is there any real Altruism? | The world is whatever it is, and human beliefs about what the world is are human beliefs. And humans have always had the problem of adjusting their beliefs to the realities of the world. The world is infinite and human abilities are always limited. No human will live forever or know everything. And it is common for humans to confuse their own wishes with the “wishes” of the World's Creator. As far as “Altruism” being “fake” or “real”, without clearly defining what you mean by that word, it is impossible to answer that question. The word “Altruism” suggests “doing good to others”, and human actions can be good or bad both to others and themselves. And “doing good to others” can be done for various motives “good” or “bad”, “fake” or “real”. And it is not uncommon for the results of human actions being the opposite of those intended. So, in any real life case human actions need to be considered on their own merits in the context in which they take place, rather than using vague words, and then asking whether they are “fake” or “real”. |
2 | Is there really only One person we target in a given area to test them and their ability to act like a compassionate Human? | This passage is not clear. Who is that “one” person? Who are “we”? All the humans? Yourself? Some group of people to whom you belong? |
3 | Maybe you've seen these things. If not, then you may have some new cases to be involved with. Or are you also fake in your desire to actually fix things. Sorry about my doubt but watch and read below and you will wonder what the government is really doing. | By “these things” you probably mean fabrication of misinformation by the media, examples of which you cite below. We shall deal with “these things” below, one by one. It is also not clear to which “desire” of ours to “actually fix things” you refer. But we shall deal with the issue of “what we can do” at the end, after we have considered “these things”. |
4 | Your voice is needed to stop this. … or maybe me just saying this to you stopped it. Do you think? | We shall deal with this at the end. |
5 | If you are not aware of the actions of certain governments and leaders, please see what is being staged. Are we to allow this and not stop it BEFORE it begins since we have enough evidence to stop it and have the public aware. Actors faking news Ebola is a hoax | We are fully aware that governments, and political groups use mass media to deceive people, and we are not alone — this has become common knowledge all over the world. Being “aware” of such deception and being able “to stop” such deception, or having “enough evidence” to prove a concrete particular case of such deception are different issues. You have provided links to some websites containing videos and images showing that some scenes shown in the media as “news” have in fact been staged by actors. But is this sufficient evidence to prove these particular cases? And, if it is, would it be enough to stop such deception? It is certainly easy to create fake images using modern widely available technology. And it is just as easy to create fake images of images being fake. And this means that images alone cannot be accepted as sufficient evidence of anything. Any image can be fake. But supposing that it is proved that a government has deceived people, would it stop governments from deceiving people? It is a generally known fact that the Iraq War of 2003 was started without valid legal reasons and that false statements were made by members of governments to justify this war. Has this lead to those members of governments who committed these criminal acts being punished for their crimes? Has it stopped governments from committing crimes or deceiving people? |
6 | The first thing to note, as pointed out by alert readers, is that there is a military contractor called ISIS that offers services in such areas as “role playing”, “exercise and evaluations”, “human intelligence”, “special operations” and “unmanned aircraft systems” among other things. | Some actions of a group called ISIS (or IS) do look as if they are on payroll of the “west” and being used to provide the “west” with a justification for a military intervention. And there have been some suggestions that IS are “western” (or Israeli) agents. But there have been no proof produced that they are. And while it is undeniable that the “western” governments use the actions of IS for their own political propaganda, this is not the same thing as IS being a group of military contractors directly employed by the “west”. |
7 | Most of their offices are either in the Middle East or the United States and it is a pretty good guess they got the contract to carry out operation ISIS in the Middle East. | Without providing addresses of these offices and of other evidence of the existence of such offices, the “ISIS contract” theory remains a “pretty good guess”. |
8 | When you see news article full of demands by ISIS to “hand over your daughters for sex”, or crucifixions of Christians and threats that the “black flag of Jihad will fly over London” it is a pretty good guess you are dealing with a major psy‐ops or role playing game. ISIS Canada Hoax | It is an undeniable fact that the “western” governments, media, and government agencies do use the fear of ISIS to distract the public attention from their own criminality and to justify their own political intrigues. There is also a possibility that there are “western” infiltrators among members of IS, who are prodding the IS to act in ways “convenient” for the “west”. Infiltration of “enemy groups” and use of agents provocateurs is an old technique used by governments. But this is not the same thing as IS being nothing else but a group of “contractors” on the “western” payroll. The idea of an “Islamic State” which will be able to “stand up” to the “West” does appeal to many people in Iraq, Syria and beyond. And the “western” War on Terror is perceived by many as a War against Islam. But the sectarian nature of this group makes it vulnerable to manipulation by the “west” to serve the “western interests”. And the whole situation in the Middle East today is a direct result of the “War on Terror” and other “western” policies and politics in the area. |
9 | I understand the elevation of a Soul is an internal struggle but where are we to see that it is staged and real. Are we to believe it always no one gets hurt and yet we are to be led otherwise. The reason I found this was because of the show ‘What would you do?’ is using staged scenes to check altruism. If the whole of society is a test and your unreactiveness to this is an indication, then you will never see another Enlightened person react altruistically because he will be lead to believe it is a test or in this case a hoax. | Having produced some examples of possibly “fake” images, your question is: “How are we to see what is ‘staged’ and what is ‘real’?” Real human “knowledge” is very limited: you “know” only what you have experienced by your own senses, or have proved logically from previously proved facts (all of which can be wrong due to possible errors). Most of one's information about the world is based not on such “direct” knowledge, but on “belief”, that is acceptance that something is true without direct knowledge. Anything that you hear told by others, or read, or see image of and accept as true without direct knowledge is not real knowledge, but “belief”. People believe what they are told or written by others and what they see on pictures and drawings, because they “trust” the sources of this information. And in most real life situations such trust is justified. Humans (and animals) also have ability to perceive reality “intuitively”. This enables them to “sense” or “see inwardly” reality beyond what they can perceive with their physical senses. There also is the human ability to create in their mind images of reality based on fragments of knowledge or belief, where patches of ignorance are filled in by imagination. They can even create images in their minds which have no connection with reality at all. So Man's view of the reality in which he lives is based on direct knowledge, intuition, and belief founded on trust. And in much of the daily life of the majority of people these natural abilities are enough. It would be impossible for a person to live his life, if he would have to “prove” that everything he sees or hears is not ‘fake’. Do you take every piece of food that you eat to a laboratory to prove that it is not ‘fake’? And then take every instrument used in that laboratory to another laboratory to check that it is not ‘fake’? And so on and on? You would die from hunger before reaching the end of such investigation, because in theory anything can be ‘fake’. But most of the time it is not fake. But from time to time such direct knowledge, intuition, and belief based view of reality does happen to be false. And this can be due to either error, or deliberate deception. And this is when the need for investigation and proof arises. Of especial importance is the issue of trust in “authorities” (governments and various institutions), because most people rely on them for sources of information, for regulation of human behaviour, and for adjudication on what is right and what is wrong, what is true and what is false. Can they be trusted? Are the children in schools taught what is true and right, or are they fed political propaganda and corruption? Are the “authoritative” national media presenting a true picture of events in the world, or are they “shaping the public opinion” by presenting a false distorted view of the world to suit political interests? Are the governments basing their decisions on knowledge of reality, or are they trapped in political ideologies which makes them incapable of seeing the world as it is? In the recent decades the issue of trust in authorities has come to the forefront of the public discourse. The once trusted institutions have lost the public trust they once enjoyed, and people are increasingly questioning any information they receive from authorities. And this is why you and others ask: “Is IS real or is it fake — a bunch of contractors hired by some sinister “western” political groups?” Yes, the use by politicians of IS to promote their own political agendas is there for all to see, but the reality behind IS is more complex than a mere bunch of contractors and is a product of international power politics spanning centuries. |
10 | Address this please to the media. Please follow the links and watch the evidence of faked killings and government rules setting in. Is it all staged? Can you be sure? And should a voice such as yours be speaking about an investigation? | Because, as we noted in (5) above, it is easy to create fake images using modern widely available technology, and it is just as easy to create fake images of images being fake, images alone cannot be accepted as sufficient evidence of anything. And, as your evidence is links to images, it is not sufficient as proof of anything. Is it all staged? Some of it certainly is. And there have been cases of false information being presented in the media, and even acknowledged by the presenters themselves. But falsification of images, or fabrication of images by using actors, is only a small part of the whole picture. Information is selected and presented in tone and vocabulary to suit political agendas and to fit in with political ideologies. This is true of all “national” media. But even information presented by private “non‐establishment” sources is selected and presented in ways which reflect the views of the presenter. So, if some information is of sufficient practical importance to you, then it is up to you to use whatever means available to establish its truthfulness, rather than accepting blindly what you are shown or told. Should we be “speaking about an investigation”? Dishonesty in the government and the media is a generally known fact proved many times. And “investigations”? Investigations by whom? By members of the same “Establishment”? What happened with the Iraq War Inquiry announced in Britain in 2009? Has it answered the question “Was the Iraq War justified?” Or the police dossier submitted in the 1980s to the British Home Secretary about a suspected “paedophile ring” of some 20 members of the British Parliament? What happened to it? It has been “lost”, and no traces left. There is no more need for “inquiries”. It is all clear now. And, having seen enough of scandals and inquiries, the public knows the answer, they either do not vote at all, or are looking for alternatives to the discredited “main stream” parties. Thus, in Britain, those who still vote are turning to what were once “fringe” minority single‐issue parties, like SNP or UKIP. And will there be anybody worth voting for in the approaching elections in the USA? By their own dishonesty, spin, evasions, and cover‐ups, politicians are destroying public trust in the Institutions of the State, and in doing so are digging their own political graves. |
So, how “to stop” governments and the media being dishonest?
Use and develop your own natural abilities to distinguish the true from the false, the right from the wrong.
And the dishonest will stop being dishonest when through trial and error they learn that the main victims of their dishonesty are themselves.
Some will fall as a result of their dishonesty, others will learn the error of their ways and will become honest.
This will take some time, and some hard lessons. But Mankind will not achieve peace and security for themselves until they learn that “Honesty is the Best Policy”.
This is not “Altruism”, but Plain Common Sense.