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Global Closure
Publication date: 2011-05-16

Global Closure or War on Terror Phase 2?

It is nearly 10 years of the “War on Terror”, and now Osama bin Laden is proclaimed to be dead. And there were some talks about a “closure for the victims of the 9/11”. So, is it not the time for a “Global Closure”, which would put an end to the decade of wars and terror, that the “War on Terror” has proved to be? Because, if it is not closed now, it will continue for more decades as “War on Terror Phase 2”, then “Phase 3”, …

So, before stating what is needed to effect such Global Closure we shall enumerate what remains “open” and needs to be “closed”.

1. The incident of 9/11 — some 3000 Americans dead.
Closed by the murder of Osama bin Laden.
2. The Americans (and their friends and allies) invaded Afghanistan, destroyed the country and killed and continue killing Afghans.
Still open.
3. The Americans (and their friends and allies) invaded Iraq, destroyed the country and killed and continue killing Iraqis.
Still open.
4. In 1948 Palestinians expelled from coastal Palestine (now Israel) by the Israelis.
Still open.
5. In 1967 more of the Palestinian land was occupied by the Israelis.
Still open.

So how to close what still remains open?

  1. The Government of Afghanistan (whoever they be) to prepare a claim for reparations to be paid by the Government of the USA (and their friends and allies) which would include the following:

    1. the cost of rebuilding what was destroyed by the war,
    2. adequate compensation to all those injured in the war,
    3. maintenance to all the children orphaned by the war, payable till the age of maturity,
    4. maintenance to all the women widowed by the war, payable for their life time.

  2. The Government of Iraq (whoever they be) to prepare a claim for reparations to be paid by the Government of the USA (and their friends and allies) which would include the following:

    1. the cost of rebuilding what was destroyed by the war,
    2. adequate compensation to all those injured in the war,
    3. maintenance to all the children orphaned by the war, payable till the age of maturity,
    4. maintenance to all the women widowed by the war, payable for their life time.

  3. The Palestinian Government (whoever they be) to prepare a claim for damages to be paid by the Government of the USA (and whoever else responsible for the Palestinian dispossession) which would compensate each and every Palestinian in Palestine and anywhere else in the world for all the losses and damages caused to them as a result of the establishment and of the subsequent expansion of the State of Israel. The amount payable to each Palestinian should be of such magnitude, that no Palestinian would be left at a loss. This claim should include all the cost of any ancillary activities associated with this project.

The above claims to be presented to the Government of the USA, and any other guilty parties, and to the United Nations Security Council with a request that special executive bodies be established to oversee the implementation of the above “closures”.

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