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RF-Ukraine Peace
Publication date: 2024-04-08

Draft Peace Treaty to End the Ukraine War

Here is a draft peace treaty between the Russian Federation and Ukraine:

The Peace Treaty between the Russian Federation and Ukraine

We, the governments of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, hereinafter referred to as "the parties" agree to end all hostilities and establish peace between our countries on the following terms:
  1. The parties recognize each other's sovereignty and independence within the borders as indicated on the map and described textually in Appendix A of this treaty.

  2. The parties shall not undertake any hostile acts against each other.

  3. The parties shall not take any part in any alliances, organizations or third party activities hostile towards the other.

  4. The parties shall prevent, stop, and punish any hostile activities towards the other conducted by anybody from their own territories and cooperate with each other to prevent, stop, and punish any such activities.

  5. If any of the above terms is violated by one of the parties, the other party shall be free from all the obligations arising out of this treaty and the treaty shall become null and void.


(Will contain the map and textual description of the agreed borders between the two parties with Crimea, Lugansk, Donetsk, Zaporozhye, and Kherson being part of the Russian Federation)


Signature for the Russian Federation:



Signature for Ukraine:



For world peace, similar agreements need to be made between China and the USA, and the Russian Federation and the USA. This will also mean dissolution of all military alliances, as per Term 3 of this treaty.

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