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World Peace
Publication date: 2024-04-27
World without Wars - How to Guide
Once upon a time all disputes between humans were settled by combat, then they invented states, police, and courts of law.
So, if a fight ensues between 2 groups of people and police is called, the policemen will tell the people to stop fighting. And, if they continue fighting, the police will stop the fight by use of force.
And, if the fight was due to some dispute, rather than being "drunk and disorderly", then the police will not try to decide who is right and who is wrong, but will tell the disputing parties to submit their case to a court of law.
This is how peace and law and order are kept within states.
But, if a fight ensues between groups of states, then it becomes a war, and there is no workable way to stop such war. And, if there is a dispute involving states, there is no way of resolving such dispute, and the parties take law into their own hands and wars and terror ensues.
The present war in Gaza is a clear example of a dispute caused by creation of a state and lasting for over 75 years.
How to end it?
- Stop all fighting.
- Submit the dispute to an appropriate court of law.
This is not "a humanitarian ceasefire", but maintenance of law and order. Use of force must be limited only to self-defence. States must not use force to resolve disputes, or mete out punishments. Resolution of disputes and punishment of crimes must be left to the legal system.
If the world wants to live in peace, they need to:
- End all military alliances.
- Put all national armies under a single UN command which will become a global police force and will be used to prevent violence between states and enforce court decisions.
- Establish a working court of law which will be totally impartial, free from all politics and ideologies, and using formal procedures based on strict logical deduction from facts supported by evidence, or logically derived from proved facts, rather than rely on personal opinions of individuals.
The global violence of the 21st century has proved that world peace cannot be established and maintained by one state or a group of states. The United Nations Organization has proved to be incapable to achieve that either. To establish and maintain world peace needs real workable law and law enforcement. This is the only way to permanent global peace.
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