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The Politics of National Values
Publication date: 2015-04-06

Are British Values Incompatible with Islamic Values?

We were asked: “Are British Values Incompatible with Islamic Values?”.

But do “British Values” or “Islamic Values”, or any other group values exist at all? And, if they do, then what are these “values”?

There are no “Islamic Values”.

There are general Human Values, like dealing with people honestly, not harming or offending people without a valid reason, respect for property, establishing and protecting the human family unit, etc.

Islam, and most other religions, promote these general human values.

But individual Muslims, or groups of Muslims, like any other people anywhere in the world either follow these general human values or violate them.

So, it would be wrong to say that only Muslims are honest, and nobody else can ever be. And it would be wrong to say that all Muslims are always honest.

There are no “British Values” either.

But people in Britain, as anywhere else in the world, either follow the general Human Values, or violate them.

So, it would be wrong to say that only the British are honest, and nobody else can ever be.

And it would be wrong to say that all the British are always honest. And this is true for any other human group.

Anybody who talks about British, French, German, American, Muslim, or any other group values, either uses words without understanding, like a small child, or is a political demagogue trying to get popular by pandering to group nationalism.

The use of the phrase “British Values” by British politicians started at the time of the British participation in the wars against Iraq and Afghanistan (which both were crimes of War of Aggression), to put pressure on Muslims in Britain so that they would support these criminal wars. And the way this political trick is expected to work is: “If you do not support the policies of the politicians (no matter how criminal these policies are) then, you are against British Values”.

So, the use of the phrase “British Values” by British politicians is nothing else than political demagogy devoid of any real meaning, like all political demagogy is.

And the question ‘Are British Values Incompatible with Islamic Values?’ makes as much sense as the question “Which eggs are lager, those of the mouse, or those of the camel?”

And the answer is: “Neither mice nor camels lay eggs. Such eggs do not exist”.

And if anybody starts talking about “British Values”, ask him to tell what these values are.

And, if he says, something, like “tolerance”, ask him, if he believes that all the people except the British are “intolerant”?

And did Britain become British only when adultery, promiscuity, homosexuality, etc became tolerated in Britain — second half of the 20th century — and before that time Britain was “Not British”?

And were Jack The Ripper, Myra Hindley, and Jimmy Savile less British than Theresa May, Tony Blair, and David Cameron?

All this talk about “British Values” is nonsense from beginning to end, as all political demagogy has ever been and will always be.

And is political demagogy compatible with the basic human values?

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