“Our Nation's cause has always been larger than our Nation's defense. We fight, as we always fight, for a just peace — a peace that favors liberty. We will defend the peace against the threats from terrorists and tyrants. We will preserve the peace by building good relations among the great powers. And we will extend the peace by encouraging free and open societies on every continent.”
President Bush – West Point, New York – June 1, 2002
WCJ Comments The National Security Strategy of the United States of America Report – 17 September 2002 | |||
No. | The NSS Report | Comment | |
1 | The United States possesses unprecedented — and unequaled — strength and influence in the world. Sustained by faith in the principles of liberty, and the value of a free society, this position comes with unparalleled responsibilities, obligations, and opportunity. The great strength of this nation must be used to promote a balance of power that favors freedom. | The realization by the US Administration of the magnitude of the resources at their disposal, the opportunity for use of these resources to establish a world order based individual freedom, and acceptance of the responsibility for establishing such world order are a greatly welcome development. This, however will require a different view of the world that prevailed in the world of rival nation states of the past centuries. The nation states of the past were in a state of perpetual insecurity. Their main preoccupation was with development of military might which could protect them from their enemies and allowed them to increase their power through conquest of other nations. Having developed their military might to such extent that they could destroy the whole population on Earth, the only way of preventing such destruction became “balance of power”. But the concept of frivolous “sovereign” national power kept in check only by realization that a rival nation has as much power as themselves does not favour freedom. And once the rival “super‐powers” ganged up together so that they can subdue to their will rebellious smaller nations, then even whatever deterrence effects the “balance of power” had in the past has disappeared, and opened the way to unrestricted genocide of smaller nations, which can be only compared to the days of Ancient Egypt and Babylon. Today, we see examples of such genocide in Afghanistan, Palestine, Chechnya and East Turkistan. But none of these genocidal campaigns by the superpowers has brought freedom, peace and security either to themselves or to the world. Nor they ever will. If the American Administration want to succeed in their stated purpose, they have to abandon the concept of “balance of power”, and accept the proposition that any use of any power for any purpose except for the purpose of strictly defined and strictly controlled honest, 100% impartial government is a crime. | |
2 | For most of the twentieth century, the world was divided by a great struggle over ideas: destructive totalitarian visions versus freedom and equality. | This is true. | |
3 | a | That great struggle is over. The militant visions of class, nation, and race which promised utopia and delivered misery have been defeated and discredited. | Although the class, nation, and race militant doctrines have been discredited, they have not disappeared, and the ideas based on these doctrines are still alive. Most western politicians, journalists and academics still think in terms of “right”, “left” and “center” — the concepts based on the socialist myths of the class society. Laws based on socialist ideology are still in force in many western countries. The same is true of nationalism and racism and use of religion to justify ethnic nationalism. There has been a revival of racism and nationalism in Europe and the USA. India is ablaze with ethnic violence. In Africa tribal wars still continue. Israel, a state based on the ideal of ethnic purity, is actively engaged in a genocidal war of territorial expansion under the cover of “war on terror”. The great rivalry between the Soviet Union and the West lead by the USA is over, but the great struggle around the world is still going on. |
b | America is now threatened less by conquering states than we are by failing ones. We are menaced less by fleets and armies than by catastrophic technologies in the hands of the embittered few. We must defeat these threats to our Nation, allies, and friends. | The traumatic events of 9/11 have induced in the American Administration a state of “anti‐terrorist” paranoia. This paranoia has to be overcome to enable the American Administration to see the state of the world in an objective way. Without this the United States will not be able to achieve their stated purpose. Nor can the United States achieve their stated purpose as long as they think in terms of “friends”, “enemies”, and “allies”. Global tasks require global thinking, they cannot be performed by those who see the world from the position of a nation state, thinking in terms of its selfish national interests. World security cannot be achieved by physical destruction or encarceration of the “embittered few”, especially, if their numbers could exceed the population of the United States. To establish peace and security in the world it is necessary to understand and eliminate the sources of “embitterment”. And all the sources of embitterment can be ultimately traced to the absence of a workable means of redressing crimes and civil wrongs committed by established governments. Embitterment, which leads to terrorism could be founded or unfounded, just as are any grievances brought by the citizens of the United States to the US civil and criminal courts. But the US courts resolve the cases brought before them not by physical elimination of the applicants seeking justice, but by resolving the disputes and redressing the grievances by impartial application of rules of procedure to the fundamental principles of the American Civil and Criminal Law. Such way of resolving disputes and redressing grievances does not exist at the international level — hence wars and terrorism. | |
4 | a | This is also a time of opportunity for America. | This is true. |
b | We will work to translate this moment of influence into decades of peace, prosperity, and liberty. | This is a good intention. | |
c | The U.S. national security strategy will be based on a distinctly American internationalism that reflects the union of our values and our national interests. | Peace, prosperity and liberty can be guaranteed for all only once it is accepted that no nation's “national interests” can override the “national interests” of another nation. No nation, no group of people, and no single individual should be above the law. Unless the American Administration clearly understand and inwardly digest this principle, they will not be able to achieve their stated purpose. | |
d | The aim of this strategy is to help make the world not just safer but better. | This is a good intention. | |
e | Our goals on the path to progress are clear: political and economic freedom, peaceful relations with other states, and respect for human dignity. | Politics is use of government powers to obtain an advantage over other people. The only difference between politics and ordinary crime is that an ordinary criminal uses his own force to interfere with freedom, person or property of other people against their will, while a politician uses the powers of government for the same purpose. Politics is incompatible with economic freedom, peaceful relations with other states, and respect for human dignity. Political freedom is nothing else than a socially acceptable form of organized crime. Only 100% impartial non'political government, that favors neither majority nor minority, but governs by application of strict rules to fundamental principles can guarantee economic freedom, peaceful relations with other states, and respect for human dignity. | |
5 | And this path is not America's alone. It is open to all. | Yes, this will be the path of all Mankind. And the American Administration have the choice of either actively helping Mankind onto this path, or becoming an obstacle to this path. But even if they continue to pursue their destructive policies of “war on terror”, they will still lead Mankind onto the same path, by showing to them that a world order based on “balance of power” does not work. It was the Soviet Union that demonstrated to Mankind by its experiment that Communism is unworkable. When people refuse to follow the straight path through understanding, they are driven to it by painful experience. | |
6 | a | To achieve these goals, the United States will:
| This is a good intention. |
b |
| Global terrorism cannot be defeated by strengthening alliances and treating some people as friends, and others as enemies. Global terrorism is the result of absence of a workable system of impartial supra‐national law — a law which will make alliances for the purpose of defence unnecessary, and alliances for the purpose of aggression a criminal conspiracy. | |
c |
| Regional conflicts cannot be defused by wars, politics or diplomacy. They can be resolved on the bases of justice, in the same way as conflicts between private individuals are resolved in nations where government is based not on political thuggery, but on rule of law. A case is considered by an impartial court on the basis facts and application to these facts of principles of justice. And if the parties refuse to comply with the decision of the court voluntarily, it is imposed by use force. | |
d |
| All weapons of mass destruction must be destroyed. It should be illegal for anybody to develop, keep, or use such weapons. In a world governed by impartial law there will be no need for allies, as there will be no enemies. Anybody who will want to use any weapons on others will be a criminal and will be dealt with by a supra‐national police, who will be the only people allowed to use weapons for the purpose of maintenance of law and order. | |
e |
| Abandonment of politics as a method of government and establishment of effective supra‐national law will mean that the only way any person or group of people will be able to interact with each other will be either voluntary cooperation or honest trade. And because governments will not be allowed to interfere with this activity, free markets and free trade will become the norm, rather than an exception that it is today. This will result in global economic growth. | |
f |
| Once politics as a method of government is abolished, the societies will become open automatically. Democracy, in the sense of “majority rule”, or “power of the people”, etc. is either an illusion, or organised mob rule, and is incompatible with individual freedom, sacredness of private property, and inviolability of contract — all of which are the necessary conditions for the establishment of a free, peaceful and secure world order. In the West “democracy” has reached the end of its “useful life”1, in the East it has never worked2 and never will. | |
g |
| As long as the world is ruled by “centers of global power”, war, terrorism and politics will be part of human existence. | |
h |
| No matter how the American national security institutions are transformed, developed or expanded, there will be no security in America or anywhere else, as long as the world is governed by “balance of power”, “alliances”, wars and politics. Only by abandoning these methods of government and establishing a world order based on impartial supra‐national law can America and the rest of the world live in peace, freedom and security. |
1) In the West “democracy” was based on a rivalry between “classes” which mapped into the concepts of “right, left and center”.
The real “classes”, in the legal and constitutional sense of this word had existed only in the feudal times. In the 20th century real classes no longer existed, but the myth of “class struggle” and the ideology of socialism which was based on it reached its peak of popularity, only to be discredited by the end of the 20th century.
Today the Western political establishment still think in terms of “left, right, and center”, but these concepts have lost even their past mythical meaning.
In Britain the New Labour Party under Tony Blair is in government practically without opposition, while the Conservative Party is desperately trying to make itself relevant by scavenging for popularity on council estates or “chasing the gay vote” (appealing to homosexuals).
2) Attempts to transplant western style “democracy” in Africa and Asia have never worked. To begin with the social structure of “pseudo‐classes” did not exist. The social rivalries were not “class”, but usually tribal, cast, or religious.
Although the western‐educated Asian and African political leaders often called their parties “Marxist”, “popular”, “democratic”, “Socialist”, etc., in Africa and Asia these words had no meaning whatsoever — not even the mythical meanings they had in the West. In the end, most Asian and African countries became governed by single strong leaders, whether elected or not.