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The Alternative to Wars, Terrorism and Politics

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Issues in World Government

Articles relating to religion (sorted by publication date)
Trump Won, What Next? (2025-01-14)
What Donald Trump's Government Needs to Do to Win in 2029
Afghan Peace (2021-08-20)
Accidental Peace and How to Make it Last?
Donald Trump and Islam (2016-08-14)
Is Donald Trump an Enemy of Islam?
Morality: Past & Present (2016-07-01)
Morality: from its Origin to the Present Day
Religious Differences (2016-07-01)
Why Religious Differences and How to Resolve Them
Obama on Destroying IS (2015-12-07)
Comments on President Obama's Presidential Address on Destroying IS
Yemen War Answers (2015-06-08)
Response to Yemen War Questions from a Yemeni Private Person
Yemen War Questions (2) (2015-06-04)
Yemen War Questions from a Yemeni Private Person (2)
Images of the Yemen War (2015-06-04)
Images of the Yemen War from a Yemeni Private Person
Yemen War Questions (1) (2015-05-28)
Yemen War Questions from a Yemeni Private Person (1)
Anatomy of the Modern Western Mind (2014-12-16)
The Bible in the Eyes of the Modern Western Man
Faking IS and Altruism (2014-10-09)
IS a psy-op? Ebola a hoax? Altruism fake?
Islamic Government (2011-12-23)
Are Islamic Governments Dangerous?
Is Homosexuality Good or Bad? (2011-12-21)
The Morality of Homosexuality, War on Terror, and Foreign Aid
Why the British Riots? (2011-08-10)
The British Riots, the Libyan War, and the High Moral Ground
Paedophilia in Islam (2011-07-22)
The Difference between Paedophilia and Early Marriage
Why They Hate Islam (2011-07-17)
Is the Spread of Islam Threatening the Western Civilization?
Why to Stop Islam (2009-12-27)
A Dialogue on Islam, Terrorism, Prophesy, Christianity and Human Nature
The Gay, the Straight, and the Potty-Trained (2009-10-26)
Early-Age Attractions, the Essence of Sin and Virtue, and the Dialogue of Religions
Gambling in Games, Business, Wars, and Politics (2009-10-05)
Insights into a Gambler's Mind
Wars, Religions and Scientific Clarity (2009-07-30)
The Causes of Today's Wars and the Human Predicament
Wars of Civilizations (2009-01-14)
Wars of Civilizations ... or What?
How to Convert the Muslims (2007-11-17)
Answering: Why are Muslims so hard to convert?
Jack Straw and the Veil (2006-10-08)
Does Jack Straw know what is good for him?
God and the Universe (2004-12-20)
Is God an integral part of the Universe ...
God - They Still Argue About It (2004-12-19)
A scientific view of God and Religion ...
Prisons - Do They Work? (2004-10-07)
Politicians are talking about prisons, but how do they work, and what are the alternatives ...
Use of Torture in the War on Terror (2004-05-09)
Use of torture for political purposes is not new, but now torture has a special flavour ... Why?
Should Men be Animals? (2004-04-15)
On attempts to justify human behaviour by behaviour of animals.
Why Islam and Why Deaths in Spain? (2004-03-16)
Why Islam exists and when will the violence finish ...
Will Cannibalism Become Socially Acceptable? (2004-02-01)
A recent case of cannibalism in Europe has raised some disgust. But for how long?
Understanding the Muslim Hijab (2004-01-18)
Not only the French Government, but most Muslims do not understand the purpose of the hijab ... We consider this issue again ...
Islamic Trends in US and British Governments (2003-12-22)
Some Islamic trends in US and British government policies ...
Turning the Other Cheek (2003-11-25)
How Turning the Other Cheek can be successful and where it fails ...
Is The Universe Football-Shaped? (2003-10-10)
Scientists say that The Universe is not infinite. Is this a real discovery or just another fascinating fallacy?
Homosexuality among Animals and Humans (2003-10-06)
Some people are seeking the truth about gay animals ...
How to Stop Islam? (2003-08-08)
Some people are asking, "How to stop Islam?" ...
Resolving Conflict Between Religion and Politics (2003-07-27)
Answering the question: "What are the possibilities for resolving conflict between religion and politics?"
What is Sodomized? (2003-07-16)
The meaning of the words "sodomy" and "sodomization" explained.
Was Mary Raped? (2003-06-20)
Some say Mary mother of Jesus was raped ... the evidence and the truth ...
Understanding Understanding (2003-06-02)
Consideration of the phenomenon of human understanding.
Morality, Law and Religion (2003-06-01)
Treating morality, law and religion as separate parts of human existence is a modern western phenomenon. There is no such separation either in the Bible, or the Qur'an ...
Sayings of a Modern Crusader and Educating America (2003-05-24)
Comments on a call for a Crusade against the House of Saud and condemnations of Islam ...
Permissive Society and Educating the Educators (2003-05-20)
The French educators want to ban Muslim girls covering their hair at school ...
Judeo-Christian (Christeo-Judean) Tradition and Islam (2003-05-14)
The idea of a Judeo-Christian Tradition has been in fashion for some time ... But what is ... ?
Will the USA Become an Islamic State, Now That Saddam is Gone? (2003-05-01)
With the speculations about the possibility of an Islamic State in Iraq, it is time to ask ...
Islam in One Word (2003-03-31)
Explaining the essence of Islam in one word.
Legitimacy of Governments (2003-03-18)
An overview of methods and techniques used by governments to justify their powers and actions.
Answering Difficult Questions about the 9/11 (2003-03-17)
Some people still have difficulties in answering questions about the 9/11 ...
A Dialogue of Civilizations? (2003-02-21)
A dialogue reflecting different views of freedom and morality ...
Osama and Omar Speak Again and Panic Grips London and New York - What Next? (2003-02-13)
With the War on Terror heating up from every side, where will it all take Mankind ...
Homosexuality - Crime, Sin, Mental Illness, Inborn Abnormality or Alternative Lifestyle? (2003-01-08)
Explanation of homosexuality from prime principles.
Church and State in Islam (2003-01-03)
... the current preoccupation by European and American experts and politicians with the issue of Church and State in Islam ... . But what is Church and State in Islam?
Can the Christian Church Provide Moral Guidance to the Western World in the 21st Century? (2002-12-27)
Can the new Head of the Church of England succeed in his "moral crusade"? And what fundamental questions he has to answer in order to succeed?
Religion, Morality, Fear, Understanding and Modern Secularism (2002-12-26)
There is much confusion today about morality and religion. To unravel this confusion we shall look at the roots of this confusion.
Describing the Undescribable - (What is God?) (2002-11-04)
We were asked: "If God cannot even be described, then how can one even claim to believe in something one can't define?" - We answer that question.
The Four Wives of Mullah Omar and the Plight of the Lonely Wife (2002-10-25)
One of the most "objectionable" features of Islam from the point of view of its critics is "polygamy". But what is ... ?
Judaism, Christianity and Islam - A Clash of Civilizations? (2002-08-06)
The involvement of Muslims in the events of 9/11 has brought Islam into the limelight of the World Media. There are even talks of a Clash of Civilizations ... But what are Judaism, Christianity and Islam?
Understanding the 'Isms' (2002-03-19)
Socialism, Capitalism, Islamism ... keep busy human minds and mouths, but what is the essence of them all? ...
The Veil and the Plight of the Unveiled Woman (2002-01-14)
Why do Muslim women cover their heads, faces and bodies?

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