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Tony Blair Politics

All the articles on this site relating to Tony Blair politics (sorted by date)
Gaza Opportunity (2024-01-24)
Ending the Middle East Conflict in 2024
Stopping Terror in 2017 (2017-01-31)
Ending the Global Chaos of the Bush/Obama Years
Why the British Riots? (2011-08-10)
The British Riots, the Libyan War, and the High Moral Ground
Gordon Brown and the Elections (2010-03-11)
The Lessons of the Iraq War Inquiry So Far, and their Impact on the Looming British Elections
The Gay, the Straight, and the Potty-Trained (2009-10-26)
Early-Age Attractions, the Essence of Sin and Virtue, and the Dialogue of Religions
The New Bush-Blair Plan for the Middle East (2007-07-17)
Is the New Bush-Blair Plan for the Middle East Just Another Dream?
Will Brown Succeed Where Blair Failed? (2007-05-25)
Will Gordon Brown succeed in making the British Government truly honest, responsible and accountable?
Litvinenko - Another Victim of Politics (2006-11-26)
War on Terror and the Litvinenko Affair.
Is the Saddam Hussain Verdict Just? (2006-11-06)
Resolving the argument about the verdict of Saddam Hussain ... mathematically.
The Arithmetic of the Afghan War (2006-08-20)
How Many Troops are Needed to Win the Afghan War?
The Real Issue in the de Menezes Case (2006-07-22)
Who's to Blame for the Killing of de Mensezes?
The Real Issue in the Forest Gate Case (2006-06-18)
The changes in the role of the British Police.
The Wig, the Shoe, and Mathematics (2005-08-22)
The politics of stunt and mathematical logic.
Secret Trials (2005-08-18)
Tony Blair is calling for secret trials ... Why?
Treason, Terrorism and Tony Blair (2005-08-08)
Are terrorists and Tony Blair guilty of treason?
Crimes and War Crimes (2005-07-23)
The difference between war crimes and crimes committed by military personnel
Blair Argument (2005-07-22)
The differences between political argument and logical argument
London Bombs, Iraq War and Dr Shipman (2005-07-13)
Do the London bombs make Iraq War less criminal?
The Middle East after the G8 (2005-07-09)
Will the G8 three billions solve the Middle East Conflict?
Blair Apology and Punishment (2004-09-29)
Is Tony Blair's apology good enough, and how to punish him for his crimes?
Three Years of Wars and Terror - What Next? (2004-09-10)
What will stop the escalating cycle of wars and terror, and when ...
US Iraq Opportunity (2004-08-14)
A happy ending to the Iraq War - will the US seize the chance?
Graffiti - Art or Crime? (2004-08-13)
The politicals want to crack down on graffiti ... But what is graffiti?
Playing by the Rules (2004-08-09)
Tony Blair accepts the need to play by the rules ... What next?
Opinions, Convictions, and Reality (2004-07-15)
Finding the guilty party between the lines of the Butler Report.
Should Blair Listen and Obey? (2004-06-16)
Tony Blair is accused of not listening, but is this the real problem?
Getting the Job Done in Iraq (2004-06-02)
Completing the Job in Iraq, and Keeping George Bush and Tony Blair in Office.
Peace with Libya and War on Terror (2004-03-29)
Tony Blair shook hands with Muammar al-Qathafi - what are the consequences?
The Rise of the British Fuehrer? (2004-03-07)
Has Tony Blair changed the British Constitution?
Good Guys in Bad Company (2004-02-26)
What happens when leaders of great nations fall into bad company?
The Resigning Game and Should Blair Quit? (2004-02-09)
The BBC bosses resigned and some say Blair should ... but what are resignations?
What Michael Howard Beliefs are Worth? (2004-01-07)
Do Michael Howard's beliefs qualify him for the post of the British Prime Minister?
Why the British Riots? (2011-08-10)
The British Riots, the Libyan War, and the High Moral Ground
Islamic Trends in US and British Governments (2003-12-22)
Some Islamic trends in US and British government policies ...
The Trial of Saddam Hussain (2003-12-16)
Saddam Hussain has been captured by the Americans and is to be put on trial ...
Crisis of Blairism or Crisis of Politics? (2003-07-15)
Blairism - what it is and where it will lead.
Tony Blair and the Rogue States (2003-07-14)
Tony Blair is promoting the idea that the principle of non-intervention yields to the international responsibility to protect ... What are the implications?
Taxing the Rich and Understanding Social Justice (2003-06-25)
Can taxing the rich make us all better off?
The Secret of Saddam's WMD and Establishing Trust in Government (2003-06-09)
Has the British public been mislead by Tony Blair? ... and Trusting Government.
The Birth of a Palestinian State, as President Bush has Promised (2003-04-04)
Whenever George Bush wants to attack a country he, or his spokesman Tony Blair, say something about a Palestinian State ... But what is this State?
Can the Iraq War be Stopped Now? (2003-04-01)
How the Iraq war can be stopped now without embarrassing Bush and Blair.
Patterns of Crimes and Politics, and the Way to Victory (2003-03-30)
Behavioural patterns in the War on Terror in Afghanistan and Iraq, and how the US could have won the war.
The Dead, the Alive, and the Immortal (2003-03-23)
Will Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussain ever die? And how Bush and Blair can be saved from Eternal Damnation.
Patriotism and the Love of Wars (2003-03-16)
With the opposition to the American war against Iraq growing in Britain and the US, will it change into patriotism, once the war begins? And ... what is patriotism, anyway?
How Tony Blair Got Caught in His Own Trap and How to Get out of It (2003-03-12)
How Tony Blair can get out of his self-made Iraq War predicament.
Turning the War from Inevitable to Avoidable (2003-03-05)
The Blair arguments for war shift to the patently immoral, but is the war inevitable?
Blair Hypocrisy and the Way to Greatness (2003-02-22)
Tony Blair went to see the Pope to convince him of the morality of his war against Iraq ... and how Tony can achieve Greatness ...
The Moral Stance of Tony Blair on the Iraq War (2003-02-19)
Having failed to justify the American War against Iraq on the grounds of disarmament Tony Blair turned to morality ... and has failed again ... Why?
Can the Liberals Form the Next British Government? (2003-02-17)
With the continuous loss of credibility by the Blair government and the self-destruction of the Conservatives, the question arises ...
Osama and Omar Speak Again and Panic Grips London and New York - What Next? (2003-02-13)
With the War on Terror heating up from every side, where will it all take Mankind ...
Games Politicians Play (2003-02-10)
Most people do not behave in a sincere straight-forward way, but play games ... an insight in gamy behaviour in modern politics.
The Sincerity of Lying by Politicians and Learning to Discover the Truth (2003-02-09)
On sincerity and lies of politicians, and the ways of not becoming their victim ... and the traditional Blair dossiers ...
Justifying the War on Iraq (2003-02-04)
As the full-scale invasion of Iraq by the American forces is approaching, and the opposition to that war in Europe and the United States is growing, politicians, headed by Tony Blair, seek to justify this war ...
Can a Reform of the Palestinian Authority Stop Violence in Palestine? And What Will? (2003-01-14)
The Tony Blair conference on a reform of the Palestinian Authority in London raises the question: "Can a reform of the Palestinian Authority resolve the Middle East Conflict?" To answer this question one needs to consider ...
Tony Blair Politics for 2003 (2003-01-05)
Tony Blair politics for 2003 on Iraq, Palestine, and War on Terror used to illustrate the differences between politics and government.
Trusting Government, Trusting Politicians, and the Cherie Blair Affair (2002-12-16)
Trusting government as an institution in the 21st century.
Fire Strike, Pickets, Blair Vision and Respect for Property (2002-11-22)
Examining the rights and wrongs of the fire-fighters dispute using the tools of truth, honesty and justice.
A War on Iraq. Why Now? (2002-11-14)
Bush and Blair are still on course for a war with Iraq. But why now?
Spinning Another War? (2002-09-06)
Now that Bush and Blair are seeking to sell the World another War, it is time to examine their selling techniques ... .
Education - Public or Private? (2002-07-05)
There is much fuss in the media about private tuition, but the real issue is ...
WCJ Comments on the Remarks by G.W. Bush on The Middle East Conflict (2002-06-12)
Text of the World Court of Justice Comments on the Remarks by G.W. Bush on The Middle East Conflict following his meeting with Ariel Sharon on 2002-06-10.
Questions to World Leaders (2002-05-10)
Text of the World Court of Justice Questionnaire on resolution of the Middle East conflict sent to Bush and Blair.
Education - Success or Failure? (2002-04-24)
Tony Blair says that his education policies have been successful. I do not know what are his criteria of success ...
The War for Peace? (2002-04-21)
Can "War on Terror" bring peace? Yes, it can. But not in the way intended by those who wage it ...
World Role for Britain and Blair (2002-02-04)
Tony Blair wants a world role for Britain and himself. But is he the man for the job? And what is that job?
Private and Public (2002-02-04)
The arguments about 'public' and 'private' dominated much of the 20th century and there is still no clarity what should be 'public' and what should be 'private' ...
How to Stop Terrorism (2001-10-16)
How George Bush could have stopped terrorism following the events of 11 September 2001.

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