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Blair Hypocrisy and the Way to Greatness
Publication date: 2003-02-22

Tony Blair Went to See the Pope to Convince Him of the Morality of his War against Iraq ... and How Tony can Achieve Greatness ...

Today Tony Blair went to see the Pope to convince him of the morality of his support for a war against Iraq. No details have been released of the meeting, apart of the Pope calling on him to prevent the war, but yesterday (2003–02–21) Tony Blair outlined his moral arguments as follows:

“If we fail to disarm Saddam peacefully, then where does that leave the authority of the UN? And if we leave Saddam in charge of Iraq with his weapons of mass destruction, where does that leave the Iraqi people who are the principal victims of Saddam?”

So let us consider Tony Blair's arguments point by point:

  1. On the “undermining the authority of the UN” argument:

    1. It is not the case that the UN, as a world peace keeping body, seeks to disarm all nations and Iraq is the only nation that decided to arm itself.
    2. It is not the case that the UN has appointed G.W. Bush and T. Blair as the executioners of its decision to disarm Iraq by force, because Iraq has failed to disarm itself peacefully, and the rest of the world has disarmed itself.
    3. It is the case that G.W. Bush has declared Iraq a “rogue state” and a member of the “Axis of Evil”, and decided to attack Iraq as part of his War on Terror doctrine.
    4. It is the case that the UN Arms Inspections were agreed upon by G.W. Bush to give his war on Iraq some semblance of legitimacy.
    5. It is the case that the use by G.W. Bush of the UN to give his war on Iraq some semblance of legitimacy in itself severely undermines the authority of the UN.
    6. It is the case that the numerous failures by Israel to comply with the UN resolutions severely undermine the authority of the UN.
    7. It is the case that the US has sabotaged any attempts to force Israel to comply with the UN resolutions, which severely undermines the authority of the UN.
    8. It is the case that the UN Arms Inspections so far have not produced any justification for a war against Iraq.
    9. It is the case that Tony Blair sought to justify a war against Iraq by compiling two dossiers both of which have failed to support his argument for the war.
    10. It is the case that by presenting his moral case to justify a war against Iraq Tony Blair is seeking public support for the war regardless of the outcome of the UN inspections, which undermines the authority of the UN.

    It is clear that the “undermining authority of the UN” argument by Tony Blair fails on every count. Tony Blair does not care when the authority of the UN is undermined by the Israelis, by the US, or by himself. He uses this argument, because all his previous arguments have failed.

  2. On the “liberating the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussain” argument:

    1. Saddam Hussain had been installed by the US and Britain, and most of his crimes to which Tony Blair refers had happened in the past with the support of the US and the British governments.
    2. The US and Britain have been installing and supporting oppressive governments around the world when and as convenient to them.
    3. At present the Israelis are waging an oppressive war against the Palestinians.
    4. The American and British governments provide arms and political support to the Israelis in that war.
    5. Although it is possible to stop that Israeli war, neither the US nor Britain are prepared to take any real steps to liberate the Palestinian people from the Israelis.

    It is clear that the “liberating the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussain” argument by Tony Blair fails on every count. Tony Blair does not care for liberation of any people. Whenever it is convenient to him Tony Blair actively supports oppression. He uses this argument, because all his previous arguments have failed.

Tony Blair's hypocrisy is obvious, and some statements by the Media that he sincerely believes in his “moral” case are ridiculous. Just as in the Afghan war he turns and twists to justify his actions regardless of their merit, like a snake under the foot. When one argument fails, he comes up with another one.

If he were arguing his cases in a court of law, his cases would have been thrown out as “frivolous and vexatious” with costs. But to the great shame and at the cost of many human lives, massive destruction of property and squandering of the wealth created by the people, politicians are allowed to get away with the kind of nonsense that we hear from Tony Blair.

But this behaviour by Tony Blair has its beneficial side — it shows to people that politics as a method of government is not working. The British people today are lumbered with Tony, the spinner, and the party political system does not provide adequate means for replacing him with an honest, responsible person — for all his shortcomings, there is nobody to replace him with.

Is it not time to introduce an equivalent of a “Weights and Measures Act” for government, which will make “making of factually false, irrelevant, and/or logically invalid statements by people in public office” a major crime?

If Tony Blair introduces such act, then all his past and present transgressions will be forgiven to him, and he will enter the Annals of British History as a truly Great Prime Minister, rather than a wretched spinner that he is today. And then people will be able even to trust government.

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